Monday, June 29, 2009

New toy!

Well, my granddad is leaving tomorrow. he has been here since thursday and we have had a great time! I have been getting walks in the morning and play time in the afternoon. We went to the dog park and I swam in the dog lake. My granddad even got me two new toys. I really love this buffalo. I am going to miss him but I am sure he will come back soon.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Grandad is here!!!

My Grandad came to town this weekend. He stayed home with me all day yesterday, we had so much fun going on a walk and playing in the yard. Today he even took me to the dog park to watch me swim. My friend Eva the yorkipoo is here with us until her new house is built. We are having fun but she keeps trying to bite me ears. And she sleeps in my toy box so I can't get my toys out. I am having a great summer! Its been hot but I have my swimming pool and gives me an excuse to lay around and be lazy. Hope you are having a good summer too!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Dog Days of Summer are here

Hello all! Well some exciting things have happened since my last post. Most notably would be last week when I unknowingly chewed through the electrical wiring on the air conditioning. Lets just say it was a very hot night and my mommy was not to happy with me. I was in the dog house, figuratively speaking of course as I always sleep in the bed. I have recently taken up swimming. I hear its good for the heart and its just plain fun! Can't let all those stuck up Labradors think they own the place right, I mean I know the jump in with style and flare, but my motto is always safety first! I like to wade in up to the chest and then slowly doggie paddle my way to the closest tennis ball. I am looking forward to my granddad visiting in a few weeks. And don't forget to tell your dad Happy Fathers day next Sunday! My mom got me a doggie pool for the backyard and I am off to do some laps, see you soon!